Long time since my last post so heres an update.
Finally went on holiday to Brisbane on 18 September for a quick 5 day visit. Spent most of the time with family. Great weather over there and really warm. We had so much fun, just cruising around the place.
Went and visited Uncle Bob's farm - he has 22 TB's on the property all in various states. The pregnant mares looked really light in condition. These horses are located out of Ipswich and they have had it really tough over the last year. They were hit with the Horse Flu and then the drought, so I can understand why some are looking light. Also there are six unplanned pregnacies as the Stallion escaped and had his naughty way! Uncle Bob would never let a horse suffer and the vet is always visiting so I'm sure they are all well monitored. Uncle has been trying to downsize but no one over there is interested in horses at the moment due to the conditions. Here are some photos above, the bay was perhaps the best looking horse I saw and this little chestnut was my favourite. He is only three and so little, but took on the camels when they tried to steal all the lucern hay.
Did some shopping and picked up a really cool halter for Tom with loads of bling on it and some really nice riding gloves. It is a nice big halter as his other one was too small which I will pass onto Mandy.
I am getting Mandy's feet done soon as they look dreadful so spoke with my farrier last time Tom was done and told him how I feel so guilty every time I see her so he has finally agreed to start doing them again. Bit of a story here, this time last year I was told not to bother with her feet, so didn't and now they are a real mess, only time I remember them being done was October last year. It will be a long process but she will get there, although she is a bugger to catch, the minute she sees the halter she is off.