Long time no post, naughty I know but so much has been keeping us busy.
Parkway Engineering - Custom Built Floats, Float repairs/rebuilds.
Our new venture is under way, we have found an awesome workshop to lease so we are ready to go. Just need some work. Bro-in-law has been made redundant so my Float now has his undivided attention and will be on the road by 30 August 2009. It is starting to look quite ok considering the old dunger it used to be. It is being painted by a pro this week, the floor and ramp will be fitted, new tyres will be sourced and fitted and then off to get a WOF. So excited as I have waited over four years for this to happen. The work done to date is of a high standard with lots of attention to detail to make the float look great. We are planning to build another Float which will be available for lease/hire. My one will also be available for hire when I'm not using it. It is great to be able to have some input into creating the perfect Float.
Tom Kat
This week has seen me ride three times so far and I'm loving every moment. I've even entered a Dressge and Jumping day in Waikanae at the end of the month.
Tom is such a dude and I feel with more time together we will starting clicking (only been riding him for four years LOL. On the ground he is the perfect gentleman and follows me around like a puppy. Today for example, I needed to move some gorse out of my temporary arena so he followed me for a bit and then just stood by quietly waiting for me to finish. Once riding was under way, we went around the track a few time to warm up and then attempted the dressage test. Walked it out a few times then tried to ride it properly. What a laugh. Tom has trouble cantering on the left leg, so when he struck out on the right leg, I managed to get him to do a flying change onto the left leg. Will be practising lots as this is the first time I have had the space to set up a makeshift arena. Quite cool really. We have a lot of work to do so hoping that in three weeks we can manage a reasonable test. I know there are no issues with jumping as we have been clear for the last three or four events we attended.
Visited a horsie shop in Levin on Tuesday so brought the Dressage test book and ordered a new bit to try. Decided to try a Frenchlink Eggbutt. At present he is in a plain loose ring snaffle which he just ignores. I have tried everything, relaxing while I ride, pressure then releasing etc. I used the Peewee today and had the most wonderful canter on him. Think this was the first time I felt I wasn't holding him back excessivley.
I hate the fact that I always feel like I've to hold him back. Had to give it another go and he was great. This was after the dreadful practice session in the arena so there is a glimmer of hope for us. Cantering has always been an issue as he thinks its race time. Today felt like a real break-through.