Was a very stressful morning though, as I had a "misunderstanding" with my grazing owner. When I first started grazing there, she told me I could use the gate in between her property and my friend who did Toms Clip. Well went to use gate on Sunday and wow did I get told off. "Your not allowed to use the gate" - WTF!! I had asked permission from the neighbours even had a txt saying I could. Nope she would not budge. Made me walk around the road, therefore putting my safety at risk (road is 100km zome and nice blind corners). I was gutted as it made me late for clipping. After giving the whole episode some thought, it is the safety issue that upset me the most, that she could not put aside her grievance with her neighbours to allow me to use a safe alternative route.
Found out there is a history, sounds more like neighbours at war. When I got back, she had another harp on about how horrible neighbours were, abusive phone calls etc. I guess may facial expressions said what I was thinking (She just would not take in what I was trying to say - I've known her neighbours for a few years and we also go back to Pony Club Day in the 1980's) as then she stated "I can see your not happy" and here again I tried to explain that I had permission, so I said back as a peace making gesture "Yes, I'll respect your rules" only to be told that if I didn't I could always leave.
Funny thing is, that I have had a offer of grazing if I get left in the lurch, so will be enquiring ASAP as I'm not going to put up with her being drama queen all the time. I'm also sick of ripped covers (warraths) and her bully horses. She has since got in a new grazer (after asking the last two to leave) and the horses are just lovely, even Tom is more relaxed around them.
Also tonight, had my first every "lose your rag" moment at work. Was delivering load to Kapiti Pak and Save, when I dropped two bins due to Forklift going down pot-hole. Gutted as this was the first drop since I've been driving. Boy did I let loose (lots of f words came rushing out). Lucky enough, the two bins I dropped had loo paper in them. What are the odds that out of 33 bins, I drop the two with loo paper in them. As they were tipping over, I was waiting for the biggest smash of glass!! I went off on a huge rant, really tossed my toys, told security guard to jam the unloading, he could do it and refused to until the pothole is fixed, something we have been asking to happen for months. Having this huge rant has made me feel sooooo good, I just might have to do it more often. I'm sick of being the nice one all the time who's terrified of confrontations. Think its time I started to speak my mind and tell it how it is. I think the use of the F word might just work more to my advantage like it did tonight, as it does have that shock effect. I am after all an official truckie now!!
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