Sunday, November 29, 2009


Tom has laminitis.

I rode Tom on Monday before Farrier was due and what a horrible session, bucking, not going forward. I thought he was being naughty and full of himself. He was in fact trying to tell me enough is enough, Mum my feet are fricking sore, get off me. I of course did not listen and rode for nearly an hour. When the Farrier arrived, he did his feet and proceeded to tell me about the bacteria and something about laminitis and that I should now be considering putting Tom to sleep. Devistated, guilt, were just a few of the emotions running through. I was instructed not to ride him and get his feet seen to again in four weeks.

On Tuesday, hubby visited Tiriana at the bank and mentioned my Tom. I had to go and see her on Wednesday to sign papers and started talking about Tom. Then she told me about her Ellie, whom she recently lost to Colic and how she was able to communicate with her, even though she was away in Auckland. Her story was amazing so I asked if she could do this with Tom. Friday evening we sa down with him and had the most amazing session of talking, relaxing, chillin out etc. Tom responded really well, giving us the 'Chew Sign' and yawning as well.

He communicated that his feet were really sore, but he is not really to cross the Rainbow Bridge. Farrier has already removed back shoes on Monday, but Tom also wanted the front ones off as well but did not want Farrier to look at his feet again. As it happend, Tiriana had a Barefoot Trimmer booked for Saturday morning, someone I knew of but had never met. Lucky for Tom, she had a space. She looked at his feet and from the front on view did not appear to be too bad, until she looked at his sole. This horse has Laminitis was her response. He needs boots and pads.

Hoo rah, we finally have a clear answer to the problem that has probably been there for a long time. Laminitis is treatable, if we have caught it in time. Tom as a pair of Old Mac Boots on his front feet which help ease the pressure as they have pads that support his soles. His feet have collapsed and you can actually see the grove just below his coronet which indicate that something recently has triggered this Laminitis event.

Lynne is quite confident that there is only a slim chance that we will not be able to save Tom. She said in relation to his feet rotting that as soon as we can get the blood flowing again then his feet with start to grow, as ts all abut have his feet trimmed correctly. This is where the boots help. It is also about having a correct trim that will help him the best. Going barefoot goes against everything I have been told about Toms feet, but with the boots on, once he gets better, then he can be ridden in them, although once his sole are not so close to the ground then who knows. It will be a long process, but if I can get his feet better then we can decide about our future.

At the moment he hates being ridden due to the pain. Riding will be his decision and I will continue to try and communicate with him once we are on our own.

When I left him tonight, he seemed bright and alert. Above are some photos taken today. How can I not do everything possible to save such a gorgeous horse!!

Ainsleigh has very kindly offered me her Princess Antrika to ride as she has George and Little Rusty. So I can still get out and about on a beautiful Gingernut.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Update Time

Not much happening, Toms feet arn't the best at th moment, but we did expect some deterioation over winter. Tom has White Line Disease in his front feet. It is curable and he should be right within a few months, although Farrier has said no jumping.

Tom has settled into his new grazing very well and I love him being on his own as I get to manage his paddock, pick up poo etc. So I am getting out of the grazing what I put in, so if I manage it properly, then he will always have nice clean paddocks that are regularly rested. At the moment the paddock is split into two, but I am planning to have four smaller paddocks. One does have the temporary arena in it but thats should be a problem as I leave that available for grazing to keep the grass down.

Speaking of arena's, I tried it out on Wednesday and had the most fantastic schooling session on Tom, probably th best yet. I was expecting a useless fizzy TB, but instead he really tried to do as I wanted. I really had my first ever slow trot on him, one where I had to keep pushing him to keep going. I even got a comment from another grazer that he looked like he was going very nicely.

Nothing much planned in the way of shows, I was going to take him to a dressage day, but float is on hire that day so might go along to the Western Hills Spring Show and do some flat classes

Monday, September 28, 2009

We're Jumping again!!

Well, after the last time out jumping a having a fall, I let Ainsleigh convince me to join the Te Marua Adult riding Club. Went along yesterday for their jumping practice day and had a blast. Gary was the instructor (who also spent most of last week encouraging me to go). He was a really good coach, especially as Tom was very "hot headed". I picked up lots of tips, like keeping him moving forward and letting him have his rein just as he takes off. Also taking a shorter route to the jump so he does not have as much time to muck around. Despite everything, Tom went really well and I felt very confident after I finished. I do think the Peewee bit made a big difference as I was able to keep him going at a nice pace and didn't feel like I was hanging onto his mouth for dear life. Can't wait to get out and do some more jumping.

Again I have to thank Ainsleigh for being my supporter, shes been just wonderful over the last six weeks, since I got Tom clipped. Lots of encouragement from her and I will catch up with Gary at work tomorrow to see where we should go from that lesson as he mentioned lessons at his place once he has some jumps set up.

Friday, September 25, 2009

A little success story at last

Well, I've moved next door and xcouldn't be happier. So relaxed, no do's and don'ts, no one on your face all the time. I just love it. Tom is on his own, so I manage his paddock as I want. I am poo picking up every time I'm down, so his paddock always looks clean.

On Wednesday I plucked up the courage to ride, Tom has been full of spring grass and really fizzy lately. I have been struggling with him over the last four years, especially finding a bit that suits. Well, tried the Peewee on him again but on a different setting. After a few minor adjustments i.e using his bridle noseband to help keep the bit in place, I finally have a horse with brakes. He was so easy to ride and responds so well to the slightest touch I was amazed and very relieved. In my last dressage test, one comment I got was about Tom thanking me for letting his mouth go. I've always been afraid to let him go as he just goes faster but on Wednesady we were doing canters on a loose rein, trotting around with no worries about him getting away on me. Just need to find out if I can compete in one now.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Moving Again!!

Well, I'm moving Tom tomorrow. Found out yesterday that madam likes to chase him on her quad. She feeds out hay to all the other horses except Tom and then chases him away. He doesn't understand. She has not communicated with me regarding hay feeding since new grazer arrived. I'm more than happy to pay for her to chuck him a slab when doing the other and she knows this as this is what she offered to do when Tom was in with her lot. So angry and so is friend who witnessed it all. If it happens again tonight then friend will be giving her a earful.

Makes everything she's about a bit of a joke really, holds clinics etc and is big on natural horsemanship. What a crock of shit, when you see someone chasing a horse like that on a Quad. What if he hurt himself! What would her partner say! He works for a very well known horse starter.

So best to leave before I have another verbal outburst. Not going to say anything, Tom will just go and we're using the gate as instructed. Phone will be connected to computer tomorrow ready for her text and then I will let loose. I can type faster on puter than on phone.

Monday, August 31, 2009

First Show

We did it, our first show since March 2007. Took the float down and picked up Ainsleigh on the way. Stopped at the gate and went to get Tom. He loaded so easily which was great. We then headed off to Waikanae for their Combined Training day. Dressage was not really great, I need to try and give more with my hands, but worry that Tom will get away on me. Judge gave me some positive comments and so did spectators so I was very happy. Jumping was another issue, having not done anything for that last two years, we were both very 'green'. Tom seemed to be unsure of his approach, so after jumping the first two very big (well thats how it felt), the third jump he did the same but on landing I lost my balance and off I came. Luckily Tom slowed down and I did a lovely dismount onto my feet. Felt a bit rattled after that so retired. Saw that the weather was going to pack up so called it a day and went home.

I had a fantastic day and Tom was a perfect gentleman, very well behaved for his first outing in a while. He looked gorgeous. The float was perfect in every way and towed like a dream, actually felt like I had nothing behind me it travelled so well. Even Tom travelled well in it, no sweating like he usually does. Ainsleigh was a wonderful help, kept me busy so I did not stress and was so encouraging, it was really nice to have company for a change. I think the move to her place will be a benefit for both of us as we both like our "Poofy" riding.

It felt so good to have my own wheels. Here are some photos of our big day out.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

On the Move Again...

Well there really was no thinking about it. I'm officially moving next door. Had a chat to Ainsleigh and her Dad Laurie on Tuesday and informed them of what madam had said. There was no hesitation in offering me grazing, Laurie was fuming and will be having a few words once I'm gone. From the little bits there is a money issue over fencing done and not paid for. Feel a bit bad causing all this fuss, but I felt they should know what she'd said. Next door is far nicer, the main thing is better and more secure fencing. Tom will be on his own, but will be able to see the other horses. This in a way will be good, as i can then manage everything, ensuring he is getting his hay allowance and not bullied out of it. I am allowed to use two huge paddocks and can tape half off and rotate. Really pleased, lots more shelter, natural and running water. Am allowed to ride where I like, basically treat it as my own. Place is alot more developed and had a nice area for turning the Float around and loading.

Madam had a bit of a hissy, quite 'upset' I'm going, especially next door!! Well, if she'd just left me alone when I got back and not mentioned the whole issue I probably would not be moving. And she was the one who mentioned "You can always leave"

Monday, August 24, 2009

Tom gets clipped - Float update

Here are some of my rather neat looking Float. The difference is amazing. Just like to thank Ray and Dave for the fantastic job they have done in re-building my Float. I just love the attention to detail they have done, like in the side door, there is fine corrugated panelling and the wood trim on the side. The kwila floor is stunning and the dividers look great with a new coat of paint. Just the tyre and ramp to go. Roll on payday!!!!!

Here are some recent photos of Tom before and after clipping. He made me so proud as I had no idea if he'd ever been done before. Yes he got fidgetty but totally amazed me when Ainsleigh was able to do his face. He looks just stunning.
Was a very stressful morning though, as I had a "misunderstanding" with my grazing owner. When I first started grazing there, she told me I could use the gate in between her property and my friend who did Toms Clip. Well went to use gate on Sunday and wow did I get told off. "Your not allowed to use the gate" - WTF!! I had asked permission from the neighbours even had a txt saying I could. Nope she would not budge. Made me walk around the road, therefore putting my safety at risk (road is 100km zome and nice blind corners). I was gutted as it made me late for clipping. After giving the whole episode some thought, it is the safety issue that upset me the most, that she could not put aside her grievance with her neighbours to allow me to use a safe alternative route.
Found out there is a history, sounds more like neighbours at war. When I got back, she had another harp on about how horrible neighbours were, abusive phone calls etc. I guess may facial expressions said what I was thinking (She just would not take in what I was trying to say - I've known her neighbours for a few years and we also go back to Pony Club Day in the 1980's) as then she stated "I can see your not happy" and here again I tried to explain that I had permission, so I said back as a peace making gesture "Yes, I'll respect your rules" only to be told that if I didn't I could always leave.
Funny thing is, that I have had a offer of grazing if I get left in the lurch, so will be enquiring ASAP as I'm not going to put up with her being drama queen all the time. I'm also sick of ripped covers (warraths) and her bully horses. She has since got in a new grazer (after asking the last two to leave) and the horses are just lovely, even Tom is more relaxed around them.
Also tonight, had my first every "lose your rag" moment at work. Was delivering load to Kapiti Pak and Save, when I dropped two bins due to Forklift going down pot-hole. Gutted as this was the first drop since I've been driving. Boy did I let loose (lots of f words came rushing out). Lucky enough, the two bins I dropped had loo paper in them. What are the odds that out of 33 bins, I drop the two with loo paper in them. As they were tipping over, I was waiting for the biggest smash of glass!! I went off on a huge rant, really tossed my toys, told security guard to jam the unloading, he could do it and refused to until the pothole is fixed, something we have been asking to happen for months. Having this huge rant has made me feel sooooo good, I just might have to do it more often. I'm sick of being the nice one all the time who's terrified of confrontations. Think its time I started to speak my mind and tell it how it is. I think the use of the F word might just work more to my advantage like it did tonight, as it does have that shock effect. I am after all an official truckie now!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Long awaited update

Long time no post, naughty I know but so much has been keeping us busy.

Parkway Engineering - Custom Built Floats, Float repairs/rebuilds.

Our new venture is under way, we have found an awesome workshop to lease so we are ready to go. Just need some work. Bro-in-law has been made redundant so my Float now has his undivided attention and will be on the road by 30 August 2009. It is starting to look quite ok considering the old dunger it used to be. It is being painted by a pro this week, the floor and ramp will be fitted, new tyres will be sourced and fitted and then off to get a WOF. So excited as I have waited over four years for this to happen. The work done to date is of a high standard with lots of attention to detail to make the float look great. We are planning to build another Float which will be available for lease/hire. My one will also be available for hire when I'm not using it. It is great to be able to have some input into creating the perfect Float.

Tom Kat

This week has seen me ride three times so far and I'm loving every moment. I've even entered a Dressge and Jumping day in Waikanae at the end of the month.

Tom is such a dude and I feel with more time together we will starting clicking (only been riding him for four years LOL. On the ground he is the perfect gentleman and follows me around like a puppy. Today for example, I needed to move some gorse out of my temporary arena so he followed me for a bit and then just stood by quietly waiting for me to finish. Once riding was under way, we went around the track a few time to warm up and then attempted the dressage test. Walked it out a few times then tried to ride it properly. What a laugh. Tom has trouble cantering on the left leg, so when he struck out on the right leg, I managed to get him to do a flying change onto the left leg. Will be practising lots as this is the first time I have had the space to set up a makeshift arena. Quite cool really. We have a lot of work to do so hoping that in three weeks we can manage a reasonable test. I know there are no issues with jumping as we have been clear for the last three or four events we attended.

Visited a horsie shop in Levin on Tuesday so brought the Dressage test book and ordered a new bit to try. Decided to try a Frenchlink Eggbutt. At present he is in a plain loose ring snaffle which he just ignores. I have tried everything, relaxing while I ride, pressure then releasing etc. I used the Peewee today and had the most wonderful canter on him. Think this was the first time I felt I wasn't holding him back excessivley. I hate the fact that I always feel like I've to hold him back. Had to give it another go and he was great. This was after the dreadful practice session in the arena so there is a glimmer of hope for us. Cantering has always been an issue as he thinks its race time. Today felt like a real break-through.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Up Date

Tom has settled well at the new grazing and is such a pleasure to be around. Unfortunately, his three paddock mates are moving on this weekend, so he will be going in with the Land Owners horses. This is good as they will be moving to better grazing. He has already been in with the 'girls' and there were no issues. Two of them are Kaimanawa's and extremely pretty looking girls.

Riding has not featured much so far as it is too wet and the track around the paddocks has been taped off. It is just so muddy down there that I cannot get my 4x4 through any more. He is getting his feet done this weekend so my plan is to start try to ride three time a week and bring his fitness up slowly, ready for the show season. He has a bit of diahorea at the moment, so I will be investigating a toxin bindert.

It is so nearly ready, just need a floor, the breaks done and ply on the ramp. The most exciting news is hubby and brother-in-law are planning to set up a small business building horse floats for hire/lease and to sell. They will use my one as a template, as it is nice and big. Brother-in-law is a very talented Engineer/Tool maker and has some great ideas. They are going to lease a building and set-up a workshop.

Me, I have been busy learning the Truck business and doing lots of driving. Me doing this is a great benefit to our business as we no longer have to get relief drivers to cover illness. I'm loving the driving and have so far got my Forklift operating Certificate and Dangerous Goods endorsement. I can now sucessfully load and unload the truck and do deliveries into stores. Found out very quickly how hard a job it is. Opening and closing 14 meters of curtains sure takes it out of you. I am now driving two days a week. We are preparing for the big Foodstuffs move starting in October where it looks like we will be double-shifting the truck as there is so much freight to move to Palmerston North. Lots of dollars to be made!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Big Move!

The big moved happened over the weekend. As I could not secure a float I decided to ride. I was very worried about Tom's feet coping with the ride as it was about 10km's. He came through extremely well.

The ride itself went better than I thought and we ended up having a great 'adventure'. Tom was very jig joggy to start, but I put that down to my nerves about riding that far on the road. Once he and I settled down we had no issues. I decided to take a short cut through the old college, only to find part of it block off so we had to find another way through. Went up the back of the college buildings and found some covered walkways. Got off and led Tom him down these. I think because it was so spare of the moment, he wasn't bothered at all. This then led us down to the bottom field where I let him stretch his legs and went for a slow canter. Then it was back on the roads again.

I tried to stay on the grass berms where I could, (even went back and picked up the deposits Tom left on the way!). Stopped in at Mum and Dads for a quick drink, and that certainly brought back many memories of the Pony Club days when we would stop there to get ready and plait our ponies.

The ride has given me a huge confidence boost and the way Tom has coped with all that riding and shown no signs of lameness is a huge relief.

The last leg of our journey was down the Coast Road which is a 100km area. Nothing phased Tom, he was just so perfect I couldn't have asked for more. The whole ride took just under three hours. I left his paddock just after seven and was at Mum's place by nine and at the new paddock just before 10. I also was amazed at the difference my new Flexi irons made, as when I hoped off after so long in the saddle, I didn't have sore knees.

I have been maded to feel very welcome at my new grazing. Tom stayed overnight in a small paddock and was introduced to his new friends on Sunday. As I've never had him in with other horses before, it was quite a sight to see him galloping around the huge paddock, showing off with big floating trots and flying changes.

He has a few cuts but I suppose this is the process he has to go through being introduced to a new herd. He is still on the outer with the other horses and one in particular likes to bully him a bit. His name is Nuggets and yesterday he stood at the gate watching and when I went to put Tom away, Tom stuck his head under the tape and escaped. I ended up having to lead Tom away from the gate area and Nuggets so he had his own space. This situation doesn't do my confidence any good.

I suppose it will get better as I get to know the new horses. The other two are fine and tend to leave us alone.

My plans for the future are now to start practicing a few small jumps to get the jumping confidence back, set up a dressage arean and do a lot of flat work which is where we always fail and wait until the new season.

Monday, February 23, 2009


Well, its been a while, so theres lots to say.

Firstly Tom is on the mend. Had a bit of a run in with my Farrier as we mis-communicated about the length to leave him in between visits, so I had the vet out again and it is now all sorted. I am even riding again, on the vets advice, but only for short walks around the paddock.

I also have new grazing sorted and move in three weeks. It is a huge 40 acre property and Tom will be in with three other horses. The paddocks are rotated every six weeks and once a paddock is vacated, we only need to harrow and then it is rested. Will be very different grazing routine for me as I am on my own at the moment, with Mandy of course.

I am even allowed to set up a dressage arena and jumps if I want too. I will be taking my poles down with me and leaving them there without the worry of them being stolen. So looking forward to the move. There are only two things I will miss, one is Mandy the Donkey, I'm note sure how she will cope on her own as she just loves Tom, but if I don't move his feet will not get any better. The other is my riding buddy (when we can co-ordinate it) Sarah. She has been wonderful over the four years I have been there, sometimes even taking me out to the odd show. Sarah was very supportive just before Xmas when it was suggested that he may have to be put down, so I guess once the Float is ready there is no reason why I cannot go back for a ride.

Well theres been lots of progress since I last posted. My float now has new axels, hubs, stubs and a draw bar and a brand new set of brakes, which it did not have when I brought it. Had to really put the pressure on to get the work done, so Tom's feet where used to get some sort of action. This weekend, my Brother-in-law and Hubby took it over to the workshop to replace the last of the steel that needed it and put in extra re-inforcing along the way. I was nearly in tears seeing it finally being towed down the driveway for the first time in nearly two years. The chassis has has a good coat of rust preventing paint and is now a shiny black. I am ordering the ply for the floor and ramp this week and Dad has some for the sides. Just need the new tyres on the rims and we are very nearly there. My aim is to be able to take Tom to the Waikanae ODE at the end of April. I have chosen this ODE as Waikane is really sandy surface and we should have had some jumping practice by then, not the mention the dressage we will also be able to do once we move.